Hello World

Well, hello there, fellow Internet denizens! After my first website more than a decade ago, I've finally gotten around to procuring myself a small hollow in the vast intertubes. If you're really curious and you won't judge my 2004 self too much there's a small taste of my old site on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

This being the beginning of a new year, I believe it is customary to use this arbitrary demarcation to make promises to do things differently in the coming 365.2422 days. So, I will do my best to write a blog entry at minimum once a month about something I'm up to (one down, eleven to go!).

I plan on using this site to showcase current personal projects and share things I've learned that might help others in similar endeavors, rave about interesting things I find on the internet, and rant about annoying things I find on the internet.  I hope you'll join me and be inspired, learn something, or even teach me something in the next year.